Thank you for participating in this important initiative to develop recommendations for symptom surveillance and screening after hemispheric surgery. We hope that this effort will help parents, caregivers, medical providers, and other aligned clinicians navigate medical and functional outcomes after surgery.
Our goal is to minimize surprises in chronic postoperative care, prepare clinicians and caregivers for what may happen, and importantly, provide scaffolding for caregivers to manage medical and functional outcomes through adulthood.
Action Items
As of 4/27/24
After reviewing the project timeline and relevant documents below, please complete this travel and logistics form (for best viewability, including item instructions, complete this form from your PC/laptop.
General Information and Background
Project Timeline
As we progress with our initiative, we understand that this proposed timeline is tight and the nature of our work might require additional time to ensure thoroughness and accuracy.
There is flexibility in our schedule.
During the plenary session on August 1, 2024, we encourage you to discuss openly if you feel more time is needed for any aspect of the project.
Support for this research initiative is provided in part by