
The special education system in the United States is a maze of laws, confusing acronyms, and strong emotions. Most parents are unfamiliar with the proper steps that must be taken to develop a child’s individual education plan (IEP) after epilepsy surgery.

Helping your child reach full potential after epilepsy surgery is our mission. Every parent whose child needs special education must understand the steps you to build an appropriate IEP.

What are the steps to building your child’s IEP?

Watch our free IEP webinars.

Before you review our IEP web content and documentation, you should watch all our IEP webinars. During these webinars you will learn detailed information about how you can build an effective IEP for your child.

Make Your Resource Binder.

After you’ve watched our IEP training webinars, be sure you have important reference documents at your fingertips. We suggest you make a separate binder with copies of the following laws and forms. Use tabs to separate each document.