Anatomy of an IEP

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Join our Director of Patient and Family Advocacy, Audrey Vernick, for The Anatomy of an IEP

In this session, Audrey will dissect an IEP and show you how to include parent input into each part of the IEP to help ensure that your child receives an appropriate education. Print out a copy of your child’s IEP to take notes on that document as we go through the presentation.

About Power Hour

We understand that being a parent of a child who is anywhere on the epilepsy surgery journey can be challenging and overwhelming at times. That’s why we’ve created our Power Hour workshops – to provide you with the tools and knowledge you need to empower yourself and your child.

These workshops are designed to be non-intimidating and easy to understand. We use real-life examples to make sure you can easily follow along and apply what you learn.

During the workshops, we’ll cover a variety of topics, including:

  • Understanding your child’s needs and the impact it may have on their development;
  • Navigating the educational system and finding the right resources for your child;
  • Building a support system for yourself and your family;
  • Self-care and stress management for parents of children with disabilities

…. and more!

We believe that by empowering yourself and your child, you’ll be able to better advocate for their needs and create a more positive and fulfilling life for both of you.

Power Hour workshops are held online and can be attended from the comfort of your own home. They are open to all parents and primary caregivers of children anywhere on the epilepsy surgery journey. We hope you’ll join us for these valuable and informative workshops. Sign up today and take the first step towards empowerment!

Please note you must REGISTER IN ADVANCE here.

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