We are often asked by families, “What are good goals for my child’s IEP after epilepsy surgery?” Or “How do I know if my child is on track to meet their IEP goals?”
To help you navigate this process for your child after epilepsy surgery, we are pleased to announce our new IEP GoalBank for Children After Epilepsy Surgery and our Quick Guide: Using the IEP Goal Bank for Children After Epilepsy Surgery.
The IEP GoalBank for Children After Epilepsy Surgery includes sample goals in the following areas::
- Academics: Literacy
- Academics: Math
- Assistive Technology
- Auditory (Hearing & Listening)
- Augmentative & Alternative Communication (AAC)
- Behavior/Mental Health
- Communication (Speech & Language)
- Executive Function
- Functional/Life Skills
- Health
- Motor, Fine (OT)
- Motor, Gross (PT & APE)
- Orientation & Mobility
- Transition (Education & Training, Employment, Independent Living Skills)
- Vision
Our Quick Guide covers:
- What are the Present Levels of Academic and Functional Performance?
- What are SMART goals?
- How can you write good goals?
- What is in the IEP Goal Bank?
- How to create your own personalized spreadsheet for your child.
- Our favorite links and resources for goal development.
about the author

Audrey Vernick is our Director of Patient and Family Advocacy. She is the parent of a child who had hemispherectomy for seizures caused by stroke. She holds a level 2 certification in Special Education Advocacy Training from the Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates and is certified by The ARC in future planning. She also serves on the International League Against Epilepsy’s Social Work and Social Services Section.