The U.S. Department of Labor Statistics reports that only 19.1% of persons with disabilities are employed, compared to 65.9% without disabilities. In celebration of National Disability Employment Awareness Month, here are resources for you to help your child with employment transition planning into adulthood:
IEP Transition Planning
This session from our 2019 family and professional conference focuses on how you can ensure that appropriate transition planning, including transitioning into college or employment, is in your child’s IEP.
about the author

Monika Jones, JD, is our founder and executive director. Her first son, Henry, had a modified lateral hemispherotomy, revision surgery, then true anatomical hemispherectomy to stop seizures caused by total hemimegalencephaly. She is also the principal investigator of the Global Pediatric Epilepsy Surgery Registry, the only parent-reported data collection to understand the developmental trajectory after pediatric epilepsy surgery. You can read her research works at
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